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Alcohol-related brain damage can occur with moderate drinking
January 5, 2016

Alcohol-related brain damage can occur with moderate drinking

Chronic alcohol use affects the brain in a multitude of ways, causing cognitive impairment, short-term memory loss, difficulty concentrating, confusion, and problems with learning and thinking. Long-term drinking, even at a moderate level, can cause damage to the brain, creating ...

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Cultivating a sense of meaning and purpose to help treat addiction
December 22, 2015

Cultivating a sense of meaning and purpose to help treat addiction

A recent study is one of the first to examine the relationship between adult attachment style, dimensions of spiritual well-being, and depressive symptoms in people undergoing addiction treatment. The study, published in the Journal of Social Service Research, asked participants enrolled ...

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Scientists find “alcohol neuron” in brain
December 15, 2015

Scientists find “alcohol neuron” in brain

A discovery by researchers at Texas A&M builds on the known role of dopamine as a driver of addiction by pinpointing the reactions of specific neurons. This new information could eventually be the key to developing new treatments for alcoholism. ...

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Relapse-prevention technique combines mindfulness meditation with CBT
December 8, 2015

Relapse-prevention technique combines mindfulness meditation with CBT

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) is a program created by the Addictive Behaviors Research Center at the University of Washington, designed specifically for those in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Incorporating elements of evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness ...

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PGDF Announces Two New Mission Grants & 2016 Program Objectives
November 19, 2015

PGDF Announces Two New Mission Grants & 2016 Program Objectives

The Peter G. Dodge Foundation is pleased to announce two new 2015 Mission Grant recipients. Mission Grants fund work that aligns with our primary objective: helping people lead lives free from the effects of alcohol addiction. The National Council on ...

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Training pediatricians in SBIRT helps early detection of addiction risk
November 10, 2015

Training pediatricians in SBIRT helps early detection of addiction risk

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based clinical tool designed to facilitate early intervention and treatment for people who are experiencing, or are at risk of developing, alcohol and substance use disorders. Administered by physicians and other ...

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Novel drug stabilizes dopamine to treat alcohol dependence
November 5, 2015

Novel drug stabilizes dopamine to treat alcohol dependence

An experimental drug that stabilizes dopamine levels in the brain may reduce cravings for alcohol in those with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Unlike other medications currently available to treat AUD, OSU6162 is unique in targeting dopamine levels in the brain. ...

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Grantee Profile: Pinhead Institute
October 22, 2015

Grantee Profile: Pinhead Institute

The Pinhead Institute is a Smithsonian Affiliate based in Telluride, Colorado that promotes science-education locally and globally through engaging programs, direct interaction with scientists, and unique research-centered internship experiences. Pinhead’s internship program places high school students who have a strong ...

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Diabetes drug may decrease craving for alcohol
October 14, 2015

Diabetes drug may decrease craving for alcohol

A medication currently used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity may also prove useful in the treatment of alcohol use disorder (AUD).  A group of researchers in Sweden found that the drug, liraglutide, inhibits alcohol’s effect on dopamine production ...

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